名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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原装德国LENZE工控机v800-C 优点: •*分辨率,尺寸范围为13.3"至24" •不回转大容量存储器 •功率风扇冷却或被动冷却 •**冷却方式,耐用持久风扇 •前端IP65防护等级 •VisiWinNET®,用于创建直观可视化系统 Features • Attractive, elegant design Highresolution, full-HD displays in 17.3"and 24.0" • Based on Hygienic Design, no visible screws IP65 protection class, easy toclean • Individualisation with optional switchbox • VisiWinNET® for the creation of intuitivevisualisations in the 3200-C controller, the downstream drives are integrated into the higherlevel control. The machine control itself is performed by the software modules of the Lenze FAST Application Software Toolbox. This makes it really easy to engineer the machine.Integrated into the overall system With its visualisation system, the industrial PC v800-P rounds off the complete machine package in a userfriendly way. The industrial PC not only exchanges data, it also performs machine management, making it possible to easily control different operating statuses. In interaction with the motion functionality 基于柜装式工控机v800,可轻松扩展并实现设备可视化。 根据现代可视化系统的必要要求, 我们为您量身定制不同尺寸的屏幕和处理器能力,可用于任保设备理念, 所有设备均装有新的、可使用专用手套多触点操控的玻璃传感器, 操作程序可直观地使用工程设计软件VisiWinNET®进行创建。
联系人: QQ号;1921967640 电话;021-69001039 手机;17321017802(同微信号) 邮箱;17321017802@163.com 上海乾拓贸易有限公司
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地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6号713 邮编:201812 易展提供技术支持 沪ICP备09006758号-20 网站管理入口
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