名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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带电子位置反馈的直动式比例方向阀和外部电子元件 流动方向和大小的控制 通过带有中心螺纹和可拆卸线圈的比例电磁阀进行操作 用于底板安装:符合ISO 4401的移动模式 弹簧为中心的控制阀芯
类型4WRE ...- 2X / ... 4/2和4/3比例方向阀设计为板式设计的直接操作装置。 通过带有中心螺纹和可拆卸线圈的比例电磁阀进行操作。 电磁铁由外部电子设备控制
The valve basically consists of:
In the de-energized state, the control spool (2) is held in a mechanical central position by the return spring of the solenoids. With control spool symbol "V", this position does not correspond to the hydraulic central position! When the electric valve control loop is closed, the control spool is positioned in the hydraulic central position.
Important notice: The PG fitting (11) must not be opened. Mechanical adjustment of the adjustment nut located below is prohibited and damages the valve! Valve with two spool positions: (Type 4WRE…A...) The function of this valve version basically corresponds to the valve with three spool positions. The 2 spool position valve is, however, only equipped with solenoid “a” (7). Instead of the 2nd proportional solenoid, a plug screw (10) is installed. Notice: Due to the design principle, internal leakage which may increase over the life cycle is inherent to the valves. Notice: The tank line must not be allowed to run empty. With corresponding installation conditions, a preload valve (preload pressure approx. 2 bar) must be installed.
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地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6号713 邮编:201812 易展提供技术支持 沪ICP备09006758号-20 网站管理入口
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