名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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联系人:章莹玲 企业QQ:2880626085 手机;18918572467(微信) 电话;021-69000973 邮箱:18918572467@163.com
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**德国宝德两位二通气动摆动电磁阀 上海乾拓贸易有限公司 电话: 手机: (微信) 邮箱:@163.com 企业QQ: 联系人: 地址:室。 2) At 20 °C ambient temperature, medium degassed DI water, 5 Hz, no backpressure. 3) Relative pressure 4) Typical value under Burkert test conditions see2). The typical repetition accuracy is ± 2 %. This is a guiding value only! 6106 型直接作用式摆动电磁阀特别适用于中性气态介质 Technical Data Body Material PEEK Seal Material FFKM; EPDM-pump diaphragm on request Fluids Neutral and aggressive liquids (see Chemical Resistance Chart) Fluid Temperatures + 15…60 °C (wet) Duty Cycle 100 % Voltage 12 V DC, 24 V DC Voltage Tolerance ± 10 % Power Consumption 11 W (short term); 5 W Electrical Connection e.g. suitable for connection to Molex plug no. 50 - 57 - 9404 Installation Variable, 其可供剂量控制、加注、混合和分离之用。 传递进入介质中的热量实现小化, Repetition accuracy ± 2 %2) Max. Outlet Pressure 1.0 bar3) Max. Suction Lift > 2 m (dry); > 4 m 电功率消耗低,以及可以选择 ATEX Ex ia 规格。 适用于气动应用 Protection class IP40 Lifetime Approx. 20 Mio cycles (at 20 °C; 10 Hz; water) Dimensions (L x W x H) 50 × 28.5 × 70 mm (UNF ¼- 28) 44 × 39.5 × 70 mm (sub-base) Max. Viscosity < 250 mm²/s Weight ca. 120 g 1) For lower temperatures the unit can be electrically preheated (heating mode without media feed). The integrated heating function heats up the valves and the medium, and the unit comes with dry running capabilities. Active inlet and outlet valves enable the device to pump liquid in two directions. 因为还须通过不锈钢板隔断壳体和线圈。 This feature can be used to mix fluids inside a tube or channel or to constantly keep them in motion. Reagents can be sucked back from the dispensing tip to prevent drying out after dosing. 使用寿命长 Diaphragm pump for high chemical resistance unit with two holes for M3 fixing screws Fluid Connection Sub-base connection; UNF ¼- 28 The unit is comprised of three valves which can be opened simultaneously for flushing. (FFKM) / + 5…60 °C (EPDM)1) Ambient Temperature + 10…+ 55 °C1) Dosing Quantity Adjusted to 5 μl/stroke ± 1.5 %2); max. ca. 8 ml/min; at 40 Hz both directions Dosing accuracy ± 3.5 %4) 可以直接给阀门装上法兰或者将其安装在单层或者多层连接板上。 Dosing volume 5 µl/stroke up to 8 ml/min. in both directions Integrated electronics, easy to use 紧凑型结构,排列间距 16 mm DN 0.9 和 DN 1.2 (10 bar) Bürkert’s Micro Dosing Unit has been designed for precise dosing applications in the microliter range. It combines high dosing accuracy and precision with excellent chemical inertness.
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