

产品名称: 概述德国BURKERT2位3通微流量电磁阀
产品型号: 00918742
产品文档: 无相关文档


概述德国BURKERT2位3通微流量电磁阀  (Pressure rise 0 to 10 %) approx. 25 ms (Pressure drop 100 to 90 %)  • High back pressure tightness, excellent cleanability and   100 % duty cycle 此类阀门可串接在连接板上,并且能按照您的要求与中央线路相连。 Measured at valve outlet with air at 2 bar and +20 ºC According to ISO 12238:2001; approx. 25 ms 紧凑型结构,排列间距 16 mm,压力损失系数和流量系数 (Cv) 至 0.058 概述德国BURKERT2位3通微流量电磁阀

概述德国BURKERT2位3通微流量电磁阀  的详细介绍
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IP 54 with fl ying leads and single cable plug IP 40 with Rectangular plug Response times
requirements of the market. The use of the rocker technology, which operates the diaphragm between the actuator
 (Pressure rise 0 to 10 %) approx. 25 ms (Pressure drop 100 to 90 %)
 • High back pressure tightness, excellent cleanability and   100 % duty cycle
Measured at valve outlet with air at 2 bar and +20 ºC According to ISO 12238:2001; approx. 25 ms
紧凑型结构,排列间距 16 mm,压力损失系数和流量系数 (Cv) 至 0.058
自 1993 年起,久经检验的可靠性
FEP-leads 0.2 mm2, length 500 mm Rectangular cable plug, Type 2505 4) Operating voltage 12/24 V/DC;
24 V/UC; other voltages on request Voltage tolerance ±10 % Power consumption 3.4 W Duty cycle
很*的反压力密封性,**的冲洗特性和 100 % 的接通时长
Bürkerts solenoid valve 0127 is considered the pioneer in the controlling of fl uids in the microfl uidic industry.
The valve has been launched in the earlier 90th and has been further developed and improved to meet the increased
Manifold mounting 100 % continuous rating If media or ambient temperatures are above +40 °C:
intermittent operation 40 % (10 min) Installation As required, preferably with actuator upright Protection class
 For maximum chemical resistance requirements • Compact design with 16 mm width and Cv ratings  up to 0.058
• Proven reliability since 1993 • Flexible design for custom manifold assemblies
and housing materials as well as different housing and electrical connectors the valve 0127 was designed for the use in laboratories,
medical- and analysis technology. Beyond medical industry it is also used for applications
 PPS Seal material FFKM, FKM, EPDM Media Resistant to neutral and aggressive liquids
 and gases (see Burkert chemical resistance chart) Media temperature -10 to 55 °C 1) Ambient temperature max. 55 °C
Service life 10.000.000 (according to laboratory endurance test with FKM and EPDM) 2) Internal volumes with sub-base  
with G 1/8 and NPT 1/8  with UNF 1/4” - 28  with tube spigot  on request starting at 44 μl starting
 at 100 μl starting at 25 μl starting at 33 μl < 10 μl 3) Port connection Bürkert sub-base (16 x 27 mm),
 G1/8, NPT1/8, UNF 1/4“ - 28, tube connection Electrical connection Cable plug Type 1054 Two
within other industries, for example ink-jet printers and vending machines
Technical data Orifi ce [mm] DN 0.8 - DN 1.6 (for details see ordering chart) Body material PEEK, PVDF, ETFE,
and media, ensures a very reliable and precise switching of smallest volumes.
And still today this valve is a benchmark in its industry. A high variety of different diaphragm
 127 型电磁阀是小型介质分离阀门的开路先锋,

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