名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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**报价德国宝得2位2通 微流量电磁阀 上海乾拓贸易有限公司 电话: 手机: (微信) 邮箱:@163.com 企业QQ: 联系人: 地址:室。 此设备可无需电流借助弹簧力关闭。 接通时,磁芯受到吸引,由此克服弹簧力。 the valve is closed by spring action. When energized, the solenoid armature is drawn in 2/2-Way, G 1/8, UNF 1/4-28 Fluid Control Systems against a spring to open the valve. 阀门特别适合流量很小的、液态或气态的侵蚀性介质。 220-230 V UC Voltage tolerance ± 10 % Power consumption 4 W Duty cycle 100 % continuously rated Cycling rate up to 300 c.p.m. Protection class with cable plug IP 65 Electr. connection Delivery standard: Cable plug DIN 43 650 Form B, 0-250 V. Flying leads 300 mm lenght 直动式两位两通电磁阀有常闭型和常开型二种。 在零压差和微真空下正常工作。常开型正*相反。 开关时间短 • Short response times • Hermetically sealing isolating diaphragm 常闭型断电时呈关闭状态,当线圈通电时产生电磁力, 带有相应的塑料外壳和一个具有 PTFE 涂层的隔膜。 带有隔膜的升降式衔铁阀 viscosity 21 mm2/s Response times opening closing approx. 20 ms approx. 20 ms Installation as required, but preferably with solenoid system upright Operating voltages 12 V DC, 12 V DC battery, 24 V DC, 24 V UC, 使动铁芯克服弹簧力同静铁芯吸合着界开启阀,介质呈通路; The solenoid epoxy encapsulation effi ciently dissipates the heat generated by the coil. 适合侵蚀性介质 Compact design • Low electrical power consumption 紧凑型设计 Technical data Body material ETFE (TEFZEL) Seal material PTFE with EPDM - PTFE with FKM Media PTFE/EPDM: alkalis, acids to medium concentration, washing- and bleaching lyes PTFE/FKM: oxydizing acids and substances, salt solutions, 当线圈断电时电磁力消失,动铁芯在弹簧力的作用下复位, 直接关闭窗口,介质不通,结构简单,动作可靠, • Non-metallic valve internals Type 117 is a normally-closed direct-acting plunger-type solenoid valve with PTFE-coated diaphragm. The diaphragm isolates the fl uid from the solenoid system. When deenergized (in circuit function A) 型号 117 是一种直动式升降式衔铁电磁阀, 低电功率消耗 oils and waste gases Medium temperature -10 ... +70 °C Max. ambient temperature max. +55 °C Max.
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