名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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宝帝二位三通气动座阀**,德国BURKERT气动座阀技术参数 上海乾拓贸易有限公司 企业QQ: 电话;021-69001039 手机;17321017802(微信) 邮箱;17321017802@163.com 地址:上海市嘉定区江桥嘉涌路99弄6号713室 the compact Type 2006 is thus often an economic alternative instead of two single shut-off valves. Type 6012/6014 P Pilot valve 长使用寿命及免维护运行 Pneumatically operated 3 way seat valve CLASSIC Type 2002 can be combined with… • For mixing or distributing mediums 10 bar 7 bar with actuator Ø 125 Port connections G thread acc. to EN ISO 228-1 NPT thread acc. to ANSI B 1.20.1 (RC thread on request) Approval and Conformity EGV 1935/2004 (optional) FDA (optional 通过辅助阀或中央阀岛控制 经过流量优化的不锈钢或黄铜/不锈钢合金壳体 互换压力接口和工作接口,可实现不同的流体控制功能,例如混合或分配介质。 • Controlled by a pilot valve or centrally by a valve island • Flow optimized body in stainless steel or brass/ stainless steel alkaline solutions, salt solution, organic solutions, hot water, steam Viscosity Max. 600 mm2/s Packing gland (with silicone grease) PTFE V-rings with spring compensation Media temperature -10 to +180°C Ambient temperature PA actuator PPS actuator Actuator sizes Ø 50-80 Actuator sizes Ø 125 -10 to +60°C +5 to +140°C +5 to +90°C, (up to 140ºC for a short period) Installation As required, preferably with actuator in upright position Control medium Neutral gases, air Max. pilot pressure 经过流量优化的阀壳体型号 2006 可达到超*的流量值。 同时,久经考验的自调整式密封箱也为*度密封性提供了保障,从而确保能够长期可靠地运行。 • Long service life and maintenance-free operation The Bürkert 3 way seat valve, Type 2006, consists of a pneumatically operated CLASSIC actuator and a 3 way valve body. The actuator is available in two different materials, PA or PPS, depending on the ambient temperature. Available materials for the valve body include stainless steel and a brass/stainless steel variant. Interchanging of pressure and service ports enables different fl uidic circuit functions, such as the mixing or distributing of mediums. 三通座阀型号 2006 由一个气动操作的 CLASSIC 系列驱动器和一个三通阀壳体组成。 视环境温度不同,驱动器有两种材料可供选择:PA 和 PPS。 阀壳体的材料主要为不锈钢或黄铜/不锈钢合金。 Technical data Orifi ce DN 15 - 50 Body materials Stainless steel 316L Nominal pressure PN16 (body) Actuator material PA (PPS on request) Seal material PTFE Media Water, alcohol, oils, fuels, hydraulic fl uid, 通过一个辅助阀可实现三通阀型号 2006 的控制,或在中央自动化系统上通过阀岛实现。 可轻松地直接安装电气位置反馈器。 因此,对于用户而言,紧凑式的型号 2006 往往可替代两个独立断流阀,且更具经济效益。 混合或分配介质 The 3 way valve Type 2006 is controlled by a pilot valve, or by centralized automation using a valve island. It can be equipped easily with an electrical position indicator. For the user, The fl ow-optimized valve body of Type 2006 allows excellent fl ow rates. The tried and tested self-adjusting gland secures a high level of tightness and thus ensures reliable operation over years.
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