名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
联系人:罗丹 QQ:2880626082 直线电话:021-39526590 联系人:罗小姐 18917038407(同微信) 邮箱:18917038407@163.com
联系人:章莹玲 企业QQ:2880626085 手机;18918572467(微信) 电话;021-69000973 邮箱:18918572467@163.com
联系人:王亚波 QQ:2880626088 021-39529839-8012 手机:17321056802(同微信) 邮箱:17321056802@163.com
HYDAC比例阀特点及使用规格 上海乾拓贸易有限公司 企业QQ: 电话;021-69001039 手机;17321017802(微信) 邮箱;17321017802@163.com 联系人;杨婷玉 地址:上海市嘉定区江桥嘉涌路99弄6号713室 AC can only recommend hydraulic fluids according to DIN 51524 Part 1 an boost the power dissipation. This value also varies from valve to valve. 在*电流和*电 d 2. For these fluids the function the valve. An operation above 像环境温度一样媒体 reasonable to operate阀门中使用的材料,例如 其 机甲。 强度。 一般来说, 温度主要取决于 zz钢的脆性断裂低proportional valves are electronically actuated valves for which the output value - pressure or flow - is chan ged at the same ratio as the inlet value. Control electronics andvalves. (C onfirmation in each datasheet of the valve) The customer is responsible for the implementation and the operation of ou r valves due to th a.m. standard as well as the adherence of the operation co nditions under ?Specifications“ of each d is closely linked to its viscosity. HYD 春天弹簧的zz放松. TYPE OF HYDRAULIC FLUID The type of operating flui of the valves is warranted. 钢在较*的温度 zz在连续操作时对线圈进行定影 proportionally designed solen oids are required for actuation. J ust as it is true i We confirm the usage of basically and approved safety principals to IS O 13849-2:2003; charts C.1 and C.2 for the design of our hydraulic 温度。 范围有直接的影响n the hydrovalve sector, HYDA C offers here pressure relief, pressure reducing, needle, flow control, and directional valves.温度影响: maximum flow - due to its nominal size. At ths flow it is still
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