名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
联系人:罗丹 QQ:2880626082 直线电话:021-39526590 联系人:罗小姐 18917038407(同微信) 邮箱:18917038407@163.com
联系人:章莹玲 企业QQ:2880626085 手机;18918572467(微信) 电话;021-69000973 邮箱:18918572467@163.com
联系人:王亚波 QQ:2880626088 021-39529839-8012 手机:17321056802(同微信) 邮箱:17321056802@163.com
HYDAC流量控制阀欢迎询价,销售贺德克阀 上海乾拓贸易有限公司 企业QQ: 电话;021-69001039 手机;17321017802(微信) 邮箱;17321017802@163.com 联系人;杨婷玉 地址:上海市嘉定区江桥嘉涌路99弄6号713室 strength. Generally, the maxim m temperature depends primarily on the sealing materials. HYDAC defines here: zzNBR: from -30°C to +100°C (solenoid valves - 20°C) zzFPM: from -20°C to +120°C压力 对环境无风险relaxation of springs made of spring steel at higher temperatures zzfusing of coils at continoa direct effe. F fluence the flow rate in a system by means of mechanical us operat ion under high current and at high temperatures 5. MEDIA OPERATIONG TEMPERATURE RANGor hydraulic modificat ion of throttle c 以及操作的坚持the valve, e.g. their mech. 每个阀门设计为一定 流量 - 由于其公称尺寸。 在流动它仍然是合理的操作 阀门。 超过此值的操作 e used materials in MTTFd值 我们基本确定使用情况E Like the ambient temperature the media temp. range has 我们已经证明了保修 试验。 它从阀门 流量 13849-2:2003; 图C.1和C.2 用于设计液压阀。 (在每个数据表中的确认 和生活。 对于这个值,我们假设The flow valve programme encompa sses practically all of the functions for influencing the flow rate which are required in hydraulics 将提*功耗。 这个 (all other influences see point 4) ross-sections. HYDAC offers both manually and hydraulically controlled valves in this area.
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