

产品名称: 美国伊顿低压过滤器,**销售VICKERS低压过滤器
产品型号: PVQ20B2RSS1S21CM712
产品展商: 美国VICKERS威格士
产品文档: 无相关文档


美国伊顿低压过滤器,**销售VICKERS低压过滤器 with ISO 4406. For assistance in selecting a Target Cleanliness Level, consult American National Standard Institute ANSI (NFPA/JIC) T2.24.1-1991 or your local Eaton representative. The Systemic Approach to Contamination Control 美国伊顿低压过滤器,**销售VICKERS低压过滤器

美国伊顿低压过滤器,**销售VICKERS低压过滤器  的详细介绍
Vickers high performance filters are
designed for low and high pressure
applications. With flows rated to 1100
L/min (300 gpm) and pressures rated to
420 bar (6000 PSI), Vickers provides a
variety of options to implement
Systemic Contamination ControlSM in
hydraulic systems. To achieve Target
Cleanliness Levels, filters are available
in a wide range of:
• Port sizes
• Bypass valves
• ∆P indicators
• Media grades
Each grade of Vickers high efficiency
filters is thoroughly multipass tested
(ISO 4572, ß ≥200) and rated to
achieve cleanliness levels in accordance
with ISO 4406. For assistance in
selecting a Target Cleanliness Level,
consult American National Standard
Institute ANSI (NFPA/JIC) T2.24.1-1991
or your local Eaton representative.
The Systemic Approach to
Contamination Control
For a hydraulic or oil lubricated
machine, the development of a Target
Cleanliness Level and the plan to
achieve it is as much a part of system
design as the selection of the pump,
valves, actuators or bearings.
Proper selection and placement of
contamination control devices in
a system to attain the targeted
cleanliness eliminates (the root cause)
up to 80% of hydraulic system failures.
Additionally, the system cleanliness
approach assures the user of the
hydraulic system a cost effective
approach to contamination control that
allows the price of the filters and
elements to be quickly recovered by
the savings of improved performance,
increased component life, increased
oil life, increased uptime and fewer
repairs.To stress the interacting
relationship between component
design, system design, filter
performance and filter replacement,
Eaton has named our approach to
filters and filtration ‘‘The Systemic
Approach to Contamination Control.’’
This approach has three steps:
• Set a target cleanliness level.
Using the Vickers Target Cleanliness
Worksheet (#578), it is easy to
determine the target ISO Cleanliness
Level. This target is based on the
application’s components and system
• Select filters and filter elements to
achieve the target.
The Systemic Approach to
Contamination Control (#561) offers
options to consider when selecting
our high efficiency filters, such as
the options available for location
and sizing of filters in the system to
achieve a specified target cleanliness
• Monitor the system to ensure the
target is maintained.
The Vickers Fluid Analysis Laboratory
and the Target-Pro Portable Particle
Counter report the fluid cleanliness

in the three digit ISO Code


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