名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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进口bosch先导式单向阀,AVENTICS先导式单向阀特点 Sandwich plate valve for use in vertical stackings ● as angle valve ● as straight-through valve Porting pattern according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05 and NFPA T3.5.1 R2-2002 D03 阀门类型Z1S是夹心板设计中的直接操作止回阀。 它用于一个方向的无泄漏阻塞,并允许在相反方向自由流动。 提升阀的行程由塑料插座限制。 安装的弹簧支持关闭运动。 The length of the valve mounting screws of the sandwich plate valve (screw-in depth ≥ 10 mm) 该阀型Z1S是一个单向阀在板设计。 它用于无泄漏阻挡在一个方向上和允许在相反方向上自由流动。 锥体的通过塑料衬套的行程有限。内置的弹簧支持的闭合运动。 当没有流过阀门,弹簧保持在关闭位置的插头。 在通过阀相比于(部分1)联合机或禁用角度阀(第2部分)多三个内部通道。 停止和密封功能是由这里进行锁定螺钉。 must be selected according to the components mounted under and over the isolator valve. Depending on the application, screw type and tightening torque must be adjusted to the circumstances. Please ask Rexroth for screws with the required length. 当没有流体流过阀时,弹簧)将提升阀保持在关闭位置。 与直通阀(第1节)相反,角阀(第2部分)可连接或关闭多三个内部通道。 止动和密封功能由插头螺丝(4)接管。 Various one and two-channel blocking functions Perfect leak-tightness due to poppet made of high-performance plastic Corrosion-resistant surface on request Easily adjustable to special hydraulic fluids by exchanging the external seal rings With measuring ports, optional As throttle check valve on request
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