名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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德国倍加福安全光栅,德国P+F安全光栅特点 可实现全程保护,或与凸轮开关配合,实现30度----180度之间行程的保护。 (2)对于滑块不能在行程的任意位置制动停止的压力机, 只能在单次工作时实现上死点保护,即上一行程结束后,下一行程尚未启动, 如果光电保护装置处于遮光状态,下一行程无法启动(必须**足够的安全距离)。 光电安全装置通过发射红外线,产生保护光幕,当光幕被遮挡时, 装置发出遮光信号,控制具有潜在危险的机械设备停止工作,避免发生安全事故。
The robust rubber profile has a light pipe in which a thru-beam sensor generates a light path. If the profile is deformed by external pressure, the cross section of the light pipe is reduced and the switching device then responds and causes a stop. As a complete system, protection devices can be implemented up to performance level e, Cat. 4 according to EN ISO 13849, and the highest safety standards can be met. Using photoelectric technology allows aluminum and rubber profiles to be shortened to almost any length and conveniently adapted to different situations. Safety edges significantly increase the level of flexibility for integration into machines and systems. 安装光电安全保护装置,可以有效地避免安全事故的发生, 避免操作工人及第三方的危险,减少事故综合成本,有利于公司自身、操作工人及社会。用途: (1)对于滑块能在行程的任意位置制动停止的压力机,
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