

产品名称: EATON滑阀式电磁阀技术,供应伊顿滑阀式电磁阀
产品型号: KCG3L160DZMUHL110-P15-T10
产品展商: 美国VICKERS威格士
产品文档: 无相关文档


EATON滑阀式电磁阀技术,供应伊顿滑阀式电磁阀 rating is the maximum recommended operating pressure for the valve in a given system. The fatigue pressure rating is the pressure for the valve to be free for infinite life from metal fatigue. EATON滑阀式电磁阀技术,供应伊顿滑阀式电磁阀

EATON滑阀式电磁阀技术,供应伊顿滑阀式电磁阀  的详细介绍

Vickers solenoid valves are
offered with the widest
choice of flow paths and
position options to satisfy
most requirements. These
options include:

Its purpose is to provide a
quick, convenient reference
tool when choosing Vickers
cartridge valves or designing
a system using these
This catalog gives basic
specifications for the full
line of Vickers screw-in
cartridge solenoid valves.
Two pressure ratings are
shown for all products
featured in this catalog -
typical application pressure
and fatigue pressure. The
typical application pressure


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