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有的电连接必须或者从电源通过根据EN61558-2-6 在有限的输出电压的安全隔离 变压器故障的情况下或通过其它等效隔离措施 电 话:021-39529830转8009 手 机; 企业QQ; 邮箱;@163.com Ue = Switching voltage Ie = Maximum switching curre nt per contact Σ Ie = Maximum
switching current for all safety contacts (cumulative current) Allthe electrical connection must eitherbe isolated from the mains 控制电缆长度(横截面0.75平方毫米)千米 eventof a fault,or byotherequiv alent isolation measures.See page 25 for information about supply by a safety transformer according EN 61558-2-6 with limited output voltage in the 约启动按钮控制电流60毫安 根据EN60269-110 A的gG(T6A/ F8A)外部接点保险丝(安全回路
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