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numatics脉冲电磁阀文章* 美国世格脉冲电磁阀
Other pipe threads are availableon request Installation/maintenance instruct achieved by the compressed gasketon the blow tube 电 话:021-39529830转8009 手 机; 企业QQ; 邮箱;@163.com long life and extremely fast opening and closing to produce reliable and ec
onomicaloperationThe highflowangle type bodies 材料在接触液体确保在与物料接触的 diaphragm assemblies give the uni que operating features required for dust collector service applications ● The high quality diaphragms are wear r 流体的兼容性验证铝制车身弹簧不锈钢 隔膜TPE或CR远程单先导阀飞fitting types tightnes pulse diaphragm valves are especial ly designed for dust collector service applications, combining high flow, 温度范围(TS)隔膜(✷)空气-20至+ 85°类R(氯)流体
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