名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
联系人:罗丹 QQ:2880626082 直线电话:021-39526590 联系人:罗小姐 18917038407(同微信) 邮箱:18917038407@163.com
联系人:章莹玲 企业QQ:2880626085 手机;18918572467(微信) 电话;021-69000973 邮箱:18918572467@163.com
联系人:王亚波 QQ:2880626088 021-39529839-8012 手机:17321056802(同微信) 邮箱:17321056802@163.com
the ports 1(P) on both sides of the manifold and exhaust pressure from theport 3(R) on the both 4stations or more supply pressure to 电 话:021-39529830转8009 手 机; 企业QQ; 邮箱;@163.com 从排气侧放出以保持回路中的压力在VY2B001 6stationsormore,VY22001station ormore,VY24001
换接头速度控制阀带磁性开关(CDJP2系列:CDJP2) 杠双作用 4, 6,10,16CJPB单作用(面板安装) 4,6 可安装2个磁性开关能连接φ2快The non-l ubricated specificationnot applicable to these models. 形式系列/CAD 动作 缸径 (mm准型CJP2 10,1 CJP单作用(埋入式)特长缸径φ4-5st也 SMC onfirms whethercharacteristics are satisfied When replacing the pilot valve, it may n ot satisfy characteristics such as accuracy, etc. Confirm the product works under the operatingcond itions before using. If SMC is requested to repair the product
Copyright@2003-2018 上海乾拓贸易有限公司版权所有 电话:021-39529830/39-8005 021-39529831/29-8002 传真:021-39529839
地址:上海嘉定嘉涌路99弄6号713 邮编:201812 易展提供技术支持 沪ICP备09006758号-20 网站管理入口
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