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OMORN多光束安全传感器,*价格欧姆龙传感器 Use this function to enable the emitter of E3ZS to be turned ON/OFF from outside. It is possible to detect a number of E3ZS errors by monitoring the status of the test input and the E3ZS output signal. G9SP when used by itself, except the inability to use in human detection safety applications. We recommend using it in Light ON mode and using it with error detection via test input. Note: Test Input
OMORN多光束安全传感器,*价格欧姆龙传感器 The E3ZS is a Human Body Detection Sensor (Type 2) for production equipment. Make sure to use it in combination with an G9SP Safety Controller. When used by itself, the E3ZS conforms to PLc/Safety Category 1 (EN ISO13849-1). No particular safety restrictions apply to the
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