

产品名称: 美国威格士控制手柄,伊顿HRC控制手柄
产品型号: CMD90S-22D-10-393146
产品展商: 美国VICKERS威格士
产品文档: 无相关文档


美国威格士控制手柄,伊顿HRC控制手柄 higher to assure fast response. From the input pressure an HRC creates reduced output pressures that vary proportionally 美国威格士控制手柄,伊顿HRC控制手柄

美国威格士控制手柄,伊顿HRC控制手柄  的详细介绍

with lever or pedal stroke, applying the
pressures to main directional valves
controlling speed and direction of
hydraulic actuators. Full details are
given in this publication.
HRCs (hydraulic remote controls) are
available in hand, foot and mechanically
operated versions, designed for pilot
pressure actuation and control of
remotely located directional valves.


The 30 design HRCs operate on input
flows up to 16 L/min (4.2 USgpm) and
pressures up to 110 bar (1600 psi) or
150 bar (2175 psi), dependent on the
model and the type of response required
for the application. HRCs require input
pressures equal to the maximum
required output pressures, and
preferably a minimum of 10 bar (145 psi)


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