名称:上海乾拓贸易有限公司 上海地址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄6号713室 联系人;沈雪 企业QQ:2880626081 手机;18918574312(微信) 电话;021-69000975 邮箱:18918574312@163.com
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KOGANEI低速笔形气缸,介绍小金井气缸 Always wash your hands thoroughly whenever you happen to touch the grease used in the Low Speed Cylinders. If you light a cigarette with
They do not imply guaranteed values of the product. greasy hands, the grease adhered to 实现了顺畅稳定地低速运动 ●适用于易破损工件的低速搬运 ●各种气缸的外形尺寸与标准产品一致
KOGANEI低速笔形气缸,介绍小金井气缸 the cigarette could release toxic gases as it burns. (While the grease used in the Low Speed Cylinder is very stable in chemical terms at room temperature, it would release 可以装配易搭载的小型4mm的角形传感器 ●还备有无回转型产品,适合于对无回转精度的需要 ●方形的构造十分紧凑,并且实现对各种支架的装载 toxic gases if heated to 250°C [482°F] or higher.) The average speed is obtained by dividing the stroke by the time 2 : The speed value reads positive when the cylinder is extended. 为节省整体设备的空间,设计出的薄型主体。 广泛的功能,气缸的缸径从12-63mm足以应对一切需要。 再加上方形杆所实现的无回转机能,使设计*效率的机械装置进一步成为可能
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